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A B O U T  M E

Amanda Fitzpatrick-Jones

I am a qualified Counsellor and a member of the Australian Counsellor's Association.


After working in the real estate industry I realised that the aspect of my job I loved the most was building connections with people, particularly those who were in some form of pain or distress and were in real need of being heard.  I embarked on a career change because I strongly believe that in order for a counsellor to be of true benefit to their clients the counsellor must show up from a place of authenticity and relevant life experience.  Anybody can read a text book and undergo training to become a counsellor, but clients very quickly identify if you are on the same wavelength and have the expertise to approach their situation with true understanding and empathy.


Based on this philosophy my practice focuses on just a few specialist areas, the areas of couples, step-families, grief & loss and miscarriage support.  Not only am I professionally trained in these fields, but I also have first-hand life experience in navigating my way through these incredibly tough and life-changing challenges.


I support my clients through their counselling sessions by delivering a non-judgemental and empathetic approach while providing them a safe space from which to express themselves and their true feelings.  I work collaboratively with my clients to develop and implement strategies to improve their situations or, with some clients I just listen, as in some circumstances feeling truly heard and seen by someone is the most effective therapy of all.  Attending counselling can seem very daunting at first and to help a client achieve maximum benefit from counselling a good rapport must exist between client and counsellor.  Most counselling practices are operated from office suites that impose an impersonal, clinical atmosphere. I believe in the principle that the most effective sessions take place in a more relaxed and welcoming environment which encourages open and authentic communication. For these reasons, my practice is located in Avalon on Sydney's beautiful Northern Beaches in a purpose-built space offering privacy and tranquility.


Please contact me to arrange an appointment.

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